Mr. Happy Gets Some Talismans

Progress continues on Mr. Happy’s traveling Costume.  Everyone needs one, especially if they have things to do and places to be.   And a sturdy Traveling Costume is a good way to protect your aging toys.

3 thoughts on “Mr. Happy Gets Some Talismans

  1. HI, Cece. Caught up with all at once today because the dang Yahoo setup keeps plopping your posts in Social Networking, which I didn’t think this constituted. I’m just a primitive I guess. Anyway, so glad to have you back in Silver. (Bob told me you had returned as part of a conversation about his special “eggs”…) So, did Mr. Happy have his basic face on when he rode in the overhead compartment? If so, he must’ve been rather bored, though perhaps the flight attendants weren’t?

    Thanks for the explanation about amulets versus talismans. Who knows, this might get on public TV!



    • I appreciate feedback from my dear followers. While I generally try to put on a little makeup, I know that often my appearance suffers for my “art.” I like the new work sweater, too; it cost my 50 cents at the Garden Club Thrift store.

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